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  2. For Organizations

How do I become a certified #NotMe Organization?


Make the commitment to say #NotMe to misconduct and silencing issues that matter to your employees/attendees/students, and watch your organization’s compliance, culture, and productivity rise. 


#NotMe accommodates customizations to meet your industry and organization’s particular needs. When you subscribe, we make it easy for you to tailor your organization’s #NotMe app to authentically speak to your employees/attendees/students in a way that’s in line with your values, code of conduct, policies, and culture. Our app also provides a channel for you to share relevant news and internal communications.


#NotMe’s mere presence is a deterrent to bad behavior. Everyone has a reporting option in their pocket. It sends a strong message that you care by providing a safe place to easily share their concerns and issues as they arise. With #NotMe, they have your attention, and you are listening.

Ready for a demo? Head to our website and fill out the request form. A #NotMe team member will be in touch to schedule some time with you.