1. Help Center
  2. For Individuals

How will I know if my submitted report has had any action taken?

There are three stages that a report goes through when submitted. As your report moves into each new stage, you will receive an email notification from #NotMe to your personal email account (NOT your work email account) about the progression of your report.

These notifications are coming through our #NotMe system and your organization is determining the stage but they do NOT know your personal email address or who you are if you have reported anonymously.

  1. Submitted - A report has been submitted by you and is available for a #NotMe team member or your organization (if they are a #NotMe subscriber) to read and evaluate.
  2. Under Review - Your report has been assigned to someone who is taking action to look into the content of your report and its allegations. 
  3. Resolved - The organization has taken steps to ensure that the reported behaviors/persons, have been addressed, or a #NotMe team member has assisted the reporter with the next steps.